Emerging is a picture of a key American food industry undergoing dynamic change on a state and regional level even while national numbers seem to portray a different flour milling industry.
Especially striking is the present-day finding that producers of oil or of wheat and other grains have no choice but to maximize production even as unit prices fall short of returning costs.
The greatly better status of the world's poorest nations largely has been overlooked in a world where news media focus primarily on setbacks in preference to forward steps.
Considering all that happened last year in grain-based foods, the solidity just revealed in the production of wheat flour by U.S. mills is truly striking.
Comments about the danger of gluten and bread have increasingly plagued wheat and wheat foods markets, mainly in the developed nations but also in some other less developed parts of the world.
President Barack Obama in his fiscal year 2017 budget requested $1,195,067,000 for the Food and Drug Administration’s food safety programs and activities.