Recognizing the great success Toyota has achieved in marketing its autos around the world should prompt considerable scrutiny of what its entry might mean into flour milling.
The perceived consumer interest in locally sourced products flies in the face of more dominant trends like increased consumer demand for more convenient products and for more ethnic flavors and cuisines.
As nine decades in publishing are noted in these pages in 2012, this magazine’s and its publishing company’s commitment to the people and industries it serves will only strengthen.
Food safety is not a natural, pure or simple process, and products will be less safe if effective approaches are shunned for reasons that have more to do with perception than science.
This year’s proof of how fundamental supply-demand factors are what moves grain prices should be a highly important outcome from the memorable 2011-12 crop year.
The innovations and the new approaches that work with the food trucks do appear to cast doubt on what has been the accepted way to success in food processing.