Horse meat scandal reaches ‘Europe-wide’ supply networks 02.11.2013 By Keith Nunes The Tesco retail chain announced that it has found horse meat in additional beef products.Read More
Horse meat scandal grows as Aldi initiates recall in the U.K. 02.11.2013 By Staff The U.K. Food Standards Agency has set a deadline of Feb. 15 for all authenticity tests.Read More
European horse meat scandal grows 02.08.2013 By Monica Watrous A test this week confirmed Findus beef lasagna contained more than 60% horse meat.Read More
U.S.D.A. proposes school snack guidelines 02.01.2013 By Keith Nunes The proposal will create a baseline of nutrition standards for food and beverages offered in schools, but not covered by the National School Lunch Program.Read More
Greek yogurt may be going to school 02.01.2013 By Keith Nunes The U.S.D.A. is going to add Greek yogurt to its Foods List, a roster of 180 foods state agencies may buy with U.S.D.A. food entitlement money.Read More
New Mexico legislature blocks bioengineering labeling bill 02.01.2013 By Keith Nunes The rejection of the bill comes after a state agency highlights the significant economic impact it would have had on the state.Read More
F.D.A. to hold meetings for proposed FSMA rules 01.30.2013 By Staff The meetings will provide an opportunity for comments on the produce safety and preventive controls proposed rules.Read More
Bioengineering back on the ballot 01.29.2013 By Jeff Gelski Labeling initiatives introduced in New Mexico and Missouri, while Connecticut, Oregon and Washington may be nextRead More
Drumbeat for bioengineering labeling getting louder 01.29.2013 By Keith Nunes The leader of the International Dairy Foods Association calls for a more proactive approach to educating consumers about biotechnology.Read More
Annie’s vows to bounce back from pizza recall 01.23.2013 By Eric Schroeder Company says it will use x-rays on pizza topping lines to supplement existing metal detection capabilities.Read More