Corn planting slowest since 1984 05.07.2013 By Ron Sterk Soybean planting slowest on record.Read More
U.S.D.A. announces sugar re-export waivers 05.01.2013 By Ron Sterk First step taken by U.S.D.A. to reduce sugar surplus.Read More
Planting near standstill, wheat ratings slip 04.23.2013 By Ron Sterk Cool, wet weather keeps planting on hold.Read More
U.S.D.A. reduces 2012-13 sugar carryover projection by 9% 04.10.2013 By Ron Sterk USDA lowers U.S. sugar ending stocks 9% from MarchRead More
U.S.D.A. pegs sugar beet area down 2% from 2012 03.28.2013 By Ron Sterk Some had expected a 9% drop in planted area.Read More
Bloated sugar market stirs political debate 03.27.2013 By Ron Sterk Users stay on the sidelines as the trade awaits direction from the U.S.D.A.Read More
Senators seek to cut U.S.D.A. funds used to buy surplus sugar 03.22.2013 By Ron Sterk Amendment latest in escalating debate over sugar policy and surplus.Read More
Sugar users, producers square off before I.T.C. 03.20.2013 By Ron Sterk I.T.C. hearing comes at time of increased debate over U.S. sugar policyRead More
Senators ask U.S.D.A. to explain sugar loans 03.15.2013 By Ron Sterk Removing excess sugar from market may cost U.S.D.A. $80 million.Read More
U.S. 2012-13 sugar supply, carryover raised again 03.08.2013 By Ron Sterk U.S.D.A. raises U.S. sugar ending stocks 4% from February.Read More