The flatev machine takes small, organic pods and transforms them into fresh tortillas within one minute.
New tortilla technology on the horizon
NEW YORK — For years, consumers have had access to a quicker, more consistent cup of coffee thanks to the Keurig machine and similar products. Now, that innovation appears headed for the tortilla industry.
Zurich, Switzerland-based flatev GmbH has partnered with the engineering and manufacturing team behind Nespresso and Jura Coffee machines to launch a campaign on Kickstarter to raise capital for a tortilla machine. The machine takes small, organic pods and transforms them into fresh tortillas within one minute. flatev’s tortillas are produced without preservatives and artificial colors or flavors.
Consumers are expected to have a wide variety of pods to choose from, including basic corn tortillas, dessert honey tortillas and spicy chili tortillas. The dough that comes within the pods is made with fresh and natural ingredients, according to flatev.
“This stout little machine was inspired by the simple tools and traditions of home cooking around the world,” said Fred Bould, designer of the flatev. “The soft, sculpted form invites you to interact with it as well as making it easy to pick up and clean.”
flatev has raised more than $5 million in seed round money thus far and won multiple start-up competitions worldwide, including Venture Kick in Switzerland, MassChallenge in the United States and the European Food Venture Forum in Denmark. flatev plans to roll out its product in the United States in 2017.