Wellmune WGP, a natural immune booster from Biothera, Eagan, Minn., is the active ingredient in the new Immune Fit bulk powder from MRI, a manufacturer of nutraceuticals to support sports performance.
Wellmune is a beta 1,3/1,6 glucan derived from a proprietary strain of baker’s yeast. According to the company, nine human clinical studies have demonstrated its ability to safely boost immune cells to keep the body healthy. Research shows that high intensity exercise may temporarily weaken the immune system and over time affect training programs and performance gains.
Clinical research with marathoners, cyclists and others enduring high physical stress demonstrates how the product can support immune defenses before, during and after exercise. It also has been documented to reduce the incidence of upper respiratory tract infection symptoms that commonly afflict distance runners and athletes.
For more information, visit www.mri-performance.com.