HERSHEY, PA. — The Hershey Co. has announced that Damien Atkins, senior vice president, general counsel and corporate secretary, will resign from the company due to family illness on Jan. 31, 2021.

In connection with his pending resignation, Mr. Atkins will step down from his general counsel and secretary role immediately and will focus on the transition of his responsibilities until his departure. James Turoff, currently vice president, deputy general counsel, will take over as acting general counsel while Hershey completes its internal and external search process for a successor.

Mr. Atkins joined Hershey in 2018. In his role, he led Hershey’s legal, government relations, corporate security and corporate secretary teams.

“Damien has been a true enterprise leader within Hershey, and he will be missed,” said Michele G. Buck, president and chief executive officer. “In addition to his legal expertise, Damien has strengthened the partnership with our commercial operations and been a champion for talent development and inclusion in and outside of the company.”