AUSTIN, MINN. — Kevin L. Myers, director of product and process development in research and development at Hormel Foods Corp., has been named vice-president of research and development, effective Oct. 28. Dr. Myers replaces Phillip L. Minerich, who will retire Dec. 31 after 8 years in the position and more than 37 years at the company.
Dr. Minerich “has significantly advanced our food science capabilities and inspired a major leap forward in new product innovation,” said Jeffrey M. Ettinger, chairman of the board, president and chief executive officer at Hormel Foods.
Dr. Myers joined Hormel in 2001 as a research scientist for fresh meat in research and development. With management experience in food technology, research science and new product development, the Iowa State University graduate also held positions as development leader of fresh and processed meats and group manager of product development at the company before assuming his current role last year.
“He has demonstrated leadership skills to drive change and produce results,” Mr. Ettinger said.